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Mousecode is a learning platform in the field of programming. code mouse provides a lot of material for those of you who want to learn programming. The material provided in this mousecode is free and paid, basic material will be given free access, advanced level material will be given paid access and get a certificate if you successfully complete the material and assignments. mousecode also provides a roadmap for those of you who are still confused about starting to learn programming, and we also provide the best tutor or mentor for you to ask questions and direct you in learning.

The learning paths available in this mousecode are front-end developers, back-end developers, web developers, mobile developers, game developers, and so on. You can follow the roadmap that we have provided so that you can achieve your career goals.


Hello everyone, my name is Nandini Annisa Byant, commonly called dini, morse code is a platform that I want to build to provide learning about programming. I'm here as a front-end web developer.